“Horses are Masters of Communication. Humans were designed for masterful communication.”
“After creating the Heavens and the Earth, the birds of the air and the fishes of the sea, God found it good to bestow on Man a supreme mark of his favour: He created the Horse. In the magnificent sequence of creation, the last phase, that of perfection, was reserved for this beautiful creature. The Horse was swifter than anything on the face of the Earth; He could outrun the deer, leap higher than the goat, endure longer than the wolf. Man, encompassed by the elements which conspired to destroy him, by beasts faster and stronger than himself, would have been a slave, had the Horse not made him King. In the Garden of Eden, the Horse was of no service to man, but the fall of man revealed to the Horse his noble mission”. - 18th century French author.
“For what do you seek? From where are you seeking? For whom and from whom?”
“Sitting all alone, you wonder what is real…is it what you see or what you feel?”
“When considering the horses’ nature, you’d have to figure what that means first…”
“Have you ever tried to communicate with your eyes? Have you ever seen someone who can? Well…watch the horse.”
“I figure if there is ground upon which we stand, it should be common”.
“I have read the Bible and I am to the notion that God created the equine, canine and feline to be of service to mankind and to each they have served us well. Mostly the horse of course.”
“Did you see the shift in the weight, then that jaw relax before he stepped towards you? That is where we all need to be. Shifting our weight towards the things that make us feel safe and we know in our gut to be trustworthy because it feels comfortable and right. Really look at that horse. Not with the intensity of a studier or predator but with a kind eye trying to understand how he may be feeling. You know he’s a horse not your husband, right? Can you try and be his friend? Look there, he watched you walk away with a look as if he wanted to follow you. Try not to miss all that. It will serve you well when you start having conversations.”
“If you are a wild Stallion, run to the One who not tame you, but will transform you. God’s desire is not to corral you but set you free.” - Erwin McManus
“Peace… it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.”
“Is there ever a good time to ruffle feathers? I say always; with a good mind and truthful heart for resolving conflict. Whether it be with my fellow man or my inner soul.”
“What drew me to the horse as a youngster was not the lore of western television shows or books or the status placed on winners... It wasn’t the want for a horse of my own neither was it the desire to ride off somewhere on some big, majestic steed over the mountain through the holler and the creek. I had and did all that… It was the deep calling to be free. Free to move and survive and live in a community with family where language is clear, and communication is intact, and how each other treats one another is for, by and because … Well, like the horse, what is important is, the here and now and the only thing they require you to bring to them is…What? Understanding, something called authenticity, friendship, respect and love. Family. You know when I first meet a horse, I see it as an interview and strip search because I want them to know that they are safe with me. Oh boy, there is nothing so free of feeling than to be able to stand before that animal and feel like they know you because you know them, and I don’t have to be anything but me. They don’t care about that external stuff like nice cars and all the latest gadgets. The horse doesn’t care about Louise up the road or the latest whatever. That just doesn’t resonate with their entire reason for being. You see how that could be freeing? “
“The Cayuse is generally roan in color, with always a tendency this way or that, no matter how slight. He is strong built, heavily muscled, and the only bronco which possess square quarters.” -Fredrick Remington, American Painter and Sculptor describing the horses of the Northern Plains. 1889.
“Rather than resort to raising your voice, yelling, screaming, being demanding then forceful; Let them do what they “should” … to get along, understand, survive.”
“The enemy uses your feelings as something to always gage your emotions by when Jesus would rather you pay attention to His truth.”
“The horse knows. He knows you 20:1.”
“We must first understand that energy exists. It can neither be created or destroyed…BUT it can be changed from one form to another. For something to be created, something has to be changed or destroyed completely.”
“Silence is an art…a tool of the wise”.
“I want peace like a quiet river to lay upon my mind; what truth in something real may my heart continue to find? I know without a doubt it has to be an art, for to find that healthy balance between the head and the heart. Do you feel that opening within you that is waiting... with not more time for contemplating? It is there that the colors of our soul and the love from the spirit we can open from their sleep. It is worth the reach within, to gather the courage to go deep.”
‘‘If we could know about ourselves as much as the horse knows about us, we’d be getting along better with other people.”