Goings on…
Retreat $450.
Standing Tall and Walking Tall 3-day retreat. Maximum of 4 participants. Includes food and semi-primitive lodging.
Heightening… observation, self-awareness, boundaries, language, communication.
Only held in October.
Please go to Contact/ Monthly Happenings page for inquiry or to schedule.
Private and Group Healing $125. initial session then $75. thereafter.
…Come to listen and be heard… these sessions are approximately 90 mins. Tailored for individuals and no more than 3 additional friends or family members. The horses are the therapists during this time…
Please go to Contact page for inquiry or to schedule.
Intro to Intuitiveness $75.
Exactly what it says… We all have the ability to understand some things immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. Learning to observe, listen, feel, understand, navigate… This 3-hour workshop will help you tap into the language being spoken both verbally and non-verbally, communication and setting intention. Currently being offered once a month through May.
This is a prerequisite for any “Relationship Building with Horses” programs.
Horse Man Ship "Relationship Building with Horses" programs & workshops.
“Relationship Building with Horses” Working and Playing Together. Teambuilding… (I am so jacked about this offering as it has proven over and over again so beneficial for healthy relational skills.)
$250 /$150 per person limit 10. Includes meals.
Full and 1/2 day retreats for friends, families, management teams, co-workers, office staff…
*Communication* Language* Listening and Self-awareness* Leadership * Team building* *Respect * Intuitiveness* Fun…
contact vhfequine@gmail.com for availability.
Corporate Executives Preamble: Guiding your teams through change. From the Top down, you are responsible for some of your greatest assets, your employees, whether remotely or on-site. This 4-hour retreat implements some tools for recognizing the need for change and how to prioritize those needs keeping in mind the importance of the “herd”.
$350. per person limited to 10
includes drinks/ hors d’oeuvres.
“Relationship Building with Horses” Energetic Intuitiveness workshop. $425
I am so excited to facilitate this workshop to include Melissa Jordan, Equine Bodyworker and Intuitive. Melissa brings a wealth of knowledge and experience working with horses, never underestimating the power of touch. Melissas focuses on tensegrity balance therapy, Bio energetic therapy and her study of the whole horse’s energy system and knowledge as a longtime horsewoman and caretaker. Fascinating work she does and is willing to share.
This workshop is scheduled on a Friday, Saturday and a Sunday with a total of 12 -15 hours of learning and hands-on instruction. Limited to 5 participants Prerequisite: Intro to Intuitiveness.
Horse and Human lessons with the horse. Working on the ground and with the saddle… helps with balance, focus, communication, while understanding and developing the relationship between Horses and Humans.$80. session or prepay $220. for 4 sessions. 8 years and older
June 2024 2 day “Relationship Building with Horses” Intensive. Horses are provided for this Horse experience. physical strength and stamina necessary. Limited to 4 participants. minimum 18 years of age. Helmets/gloves required.
Rehabilitation options and Healing for the Horse. $125 initial appt. $75. follow-up
Since before I was born I was living with horses… Both my child and adulthood has kept me on this trail down many roads whether on, with, for the horses in my life and, because of my love for them. I have studied through the years, applications and methodologies of equine chiropractic, equine sport massage, reiki, bio-energetics, holistic horse keeping, natural remedies and oils, nutritional, cranial sacral, acupressure and myofascial study, hoof care and structure, saddle fitting, naturopathy… It has been so interesting trying to find your financial worth in a field full of some really wonderful teachers. Here is what I know…you got to find that one thing (like the horse is one thing) to build on another. My journey with horses has turned from learning to living. I have included myself into this quest for knowledge I have been seeking for the horses here. Having ridden with and through some of the masters and greats in applied and natural horsemanship, it has afforded me some opportunities to start some colts, ride some fine horses, watch feral horses in their family bands in the wild, and live in and with my own herd for many years. I’ve learned to observe and listen especially to the ones that come here misunderstood and broken. As a certified Equine Assisted Psychotherapist, I have developed my intuitiveness, observation, communication and language skills coupled with being an intuitive empath, to help me get to the root, not the branch, of what is dis-eased in your horse. This is not always an awesome revelation that your horses needs are over or not being met but it is a necessary step. This may mean a complete assessment of feed, supplements, minerals, worming and vaccine regime, lameness and soundness, angles on feet, energetic imbalances, behavioral issues in and out of the saddle…. If beyond what I can offer, I will recommend contacting your veterinarian or someone from my network of practitioners. God designed the body and mind and spirit to be able to heal or be healed…it takes understanding, time and an open heart for the horses to teach us humans what is needed and for us to watch, listen and receive.
I do use a pendulum and muscle test as well as employ the Healy Device if needed, to do a remote body scan. $125.
The Horses' Brain. The Human Heart. Heart to Heart with Horses. $250
What regulates the autonomic nervous system (ANS)? WHAT? Horses have 2 branches. The parasympathetic and the sympathetic. The ANS provides unconscious control over the brain, heart, intestines and other organs. Visceral is neural tissue surrounding the organs that is capable of regulating their activity. Parasympathetic: Rest and Digest. Sympathetic: Fight or Flight. Heart Science with Horses combines and synchronizes the Heart-to-Heart connections that are so imperative to both the survival and health of the horse and human.
Heart Science with Horses workshops. Prerequisite: Intro into Intuitiveness. *Limited to 5 participants.
Consults: $50. phone/ $75. farm visit
Touch and Reiki for Horses
Touch therapy and Reiki sharing with horses… This is a time to share, observe, offer, learn, explore, and experience the Medicine horses, the teachers here at Valhalla Hill Farm who like and need the bodywork and energy clearing.
Check monthly happenings page for this time with the horses. Donations are loved and needed…
HeartMath® session $90
Would you like to explore some tools that impact your energy levels, anxiety, depression and sleep, help you to manage stress and emotions? HeartMath® mission is “to help people bring their physical, mental, and emotional systems into balanced alignment with their heart’s intuitive guidance. This unfolds the path for becoming heart-empowered individuals who choose the way of love, which demonstrates through compassionate care for the well-being of themselves, others and Plant Earth." The research and reliable development coupled with the scientifically based tools, HeartMath® bridges the connections between the brain and the heart.
To schedule please contact: Rebecca Dunaway CMPE HeartMath® Certified Trainer.
Art at Valhalla
Have you ever wanted to learn to sketch or paint a horse or perfect your drawing skills? want to come sit in the pasture or on the hill to paint or sketch? Instructors, teachers and landscape available.
Group of 6 needed for 2.5 hour class. $50
Animal Reiki 2-day certification course.
*Animal Reiki at Valhalla Hill Farm (working with Horses) with Kaye Smith Head Instructor for the Animal Wellness programs at The Reiki Center.
Will be offered spring and fall 2024.