About us …
Oh, Odin fra Valhalla… Odin finished his education in Iceland when he made the trip to the United States with hopes of a show career. He was a young man in search of his path when he came to VHF. Odin pursued his Master’s in Religious Studies and his PhD. in Norse Mythology. Seen as a sweet guy, he’s secretively an old curmudgeon who has lost most of his sight, speaks his mind and bumps things into action. Odin has been a teacher, a leader, a friend, confidant, a family and tribe member… He has earned his place as the God of Valhalla.
Born 1986 Borgarnes, Iceland. Laid to rest on the Hill at Valhalla alongside his fellow Icelandic’s. 2022
Indy was her name when she came to live with me because she was born on the 4th of July. She was 9 when she arrived with a horrible injury to her coronary band. What was thought to be and treated for, what not an abscess rather the festering of rotten wood about a 1” wide ,2” long. It was a long process but allowed time for me to get to know her. 10 months later after much learned about what to do and not as there was talk at one point of amputation, I listened to the horse and chose an alternative route to her healing which brought her backed to being ridden again. I named her Sage a while after she arrived because she finally let me see who she was… I kept thanking her for her wisdom and the name Sage just fit. She is a registered, well-trained, Color Me Smart, ghost paint mare with awesome bloodlines. UPDATE: Sage was purchased by a family of horseman. The mother of 5 had an accident years ago that could have deemed fatal. Instead, her fears had kept her from participating…until she met Sage. It was the horse that chose her, and I couldn’t deny the opportunity for either of them. The mare immediately fit into the existing herd as if she’d always been there. It is a beautiful relationship that I am grateful for… and they live close.
Born 2007 Tennessee
Sired by a magnificent Nokota® stud named Hammer, Tatonka (Lakota word for Buffalo) grew up a preservation ranch filly until she was 4 years old. There was a reason she was different and connected to an opportunity to move to Ohio. Prior to her travels from N.D. to Ohio, Tatonka had been struck by lightning. She holds her undergraduate degree in Developmental Psychology and a Doctorate in Earth Science. Tonka heads up the enlightenment programs at VHF.
Born 2008 Linton, N.D.
The name means prairie flower in Lakota but is also a homage to Leo L Kuntz and his famed Nokota.® Stud, Snow Cap “Snowy”. A lengthy story of redemptive love, Leoti headed to Kentucky with an older relative in hopes of a life on bluegrass pastures and racetrack excitement. Unfortunately, it didn’t turn out that way for either of the horses. A scandalous headlines following the American Thoroughbred racehorse Champion, Run Happy and his trainer, after the horse won as the top sprinter in the nation at the Breeders’ Cup Sprint. The next day after the win, the trainer, Maria Borell was fired. Shortly after, 43 horses were found on her Kentucky property starving, some dead, others needing euthanized. Leoti was one of those horses. A 4-year-old and thought to have a fractured jaw, she became property of the state. Some months later, the State of Kentucky awarded her to VHF. A few years have passed and yet another triumph for the little mare that could… A movie made based on a true story about horses and healing called “Adeline” was made in Ohio. click on “Adeline” for the movie trailer.
Born 2012 Linton, N.D.
Black Elk "Nick"
Beautiful Preservation Ranch bred Nokota® gelding gifted to VHF to share his gifts and wisdom... Black Elk is 100% foundation with bloodlines of Snow Cap (aka Snowy), Red Badger, Red Cloud, Night Hawk, Short Backed Grey Black Squaw that tell the stories of his lineage. Black Elk comes from the old strain of horses that have directly descended from the Theodore Roosevelt National Park that represent The Native American horse of the Northern Plains Indians. Black Elk was named after Black Elk, a heyoka of the Oglala Lakota people and educator about his culture. He was second cousin to Crazy Horse and fought with him in the Battle of Little Bighorn and survived the Wounded Knee massacre in 1890. Black Elk as Leo would name him, as a young colt, would leave the herd and follow Leo on his horse Craven to check pastures, fences or to just take a ride. “Nick” and Leoti share the same sire. He has not been saddled or ridden. So far, Nick is a strongly confident fella who is a flirt.
Born 2010 Linton, N.D.
Tall Wolf " Finn"
The year this (black as” coal”) colt was born, was shortly after his sire, Lone Wolf, was found dead. Lone Wolf was one of Leo’s favorites breeding stallions because he was casual and friendly. Lone Wolf also sired some structurally beautiful off-spring. Often, you’d see the stud grazing alone or with the geldings in Leo’s yard. Well…Lone Wolf found his way into the mare and youngster pasture where he bred a young filly. So, you could imagine the affinity Leo has for this colt. He called him Little Black, and he’d say” …Them son’s a bitches ain’t throwing any color…” yet I know Leo liked these big black horses. Little Black, as a 2-year-old became the property of Leo’s estate after his passings and was sold to a wonderful horsewoman in California who already lived with 3 Nokota® Horses. 3 days prior to his trip from North Dakota to California, he was gelded. The young colt, virtually unhandled, needed doctored. Sometime later, Little Black (Coal) would be separated from 2 of the other Nokotas until they found their way to VHF. His name is Tall Wolf, honoring his incredible sire. Kind, curious and friendly…His final home he has reached and with the spirit of Leo L Kuntz. We call him Finn because of the hairs on the back of his feet.
Born 2015 Linton, N.D.
War Chieftain "Chief"
Sired by War Chief who is by Spotted Gordon, Chief is an interesting fella. He has lived with Black Elk since birth. He is currently trying to find his place in the new herd and though he seems cool, his eyes tell a different story. Confidence in a herd is not something he is exhibiting yet seeks connection with the lead mare… me… his resource for water and food and movement…the one moving his feet in a kind way unlike his trash talk, ears pinned, defensive manner that is just long enough for him to start seeing that no one cares yet we all care about him finding his place in the herd. I have found myself singing “Have you ever been mellow? Have you ever tried?” (RIP Olivia N.J.) And though he appears mellow you cannot see his eyes for his forelock. They are asking, soft eyes… He’s on his way.
Born 2010 Linton, N.D.
Leo L. Kuntz
Nokotaheart video click here
His story coming soon.
Advisory Jane Mowder
Jane Mowder is a retired pharmacist and a life-long Central Ohio resident. She enjoys theatre, reading and mowing the lawn riding on her John Deere while blasting 70s tunes on her headphones. Jane is also an actress having performed in many local theatres including CATCO and Westerville Curtain Players, in addition to sharing the movie screen with Viola Davis, Dennis Quaid, and Channing Tatum. She also appeared as Kay in Adeline, a movie about healing horses that was filmed at Valhalla Hill Farm in October 2020. It is through this experience that she became involved in this worthwhile cause. Jane assists with equine activities, advises on programs and workshop curriculum, shares her time caring for and applying her horsemanship skills to the herd. She's part of the herd…
Advisory Ruth Sunkle
Retired Teacher and Coach, friend and horsewoman… Ruth bought her first horse at 60 and has been on an incredible ride since. I value her insights, wisdom, experience with people and success as a team player.
Rebecca Dunaway, CMPE HeartMath® Certified trainer-MeditationGuide-Coach.
As a medical practice executive with 30+ years of experience, I “get” the importance of resilience. For several importance reasons did I make the decision to become a certified HeartMath trainer… My passion for the well-being and health of all working in the healthcare profession beginning with myself. Working in this field with more demands, staffing, the effects of covid, shortages…I became anxious, burnt-out and exhausted mentally, physically and emotionally. HeartMath was introduced to me and soon I became aware of the enormity of the possibilities in all aspect of living. My experience with HeartMath has relit my spirit, heightened my consciousness, renewed my energy and given me the tools to regulate feelings, thoughts and emotions. For all things work for the greatest good should you tap the well of Peace, Joy, Contentment, Gratitude and Love. Livie Well.
Rebecca is available for schudeled HeartMath appointments either here at Valhalla Hill Farm or at Integro Wellness New Albany, Ohio Contact Rebecca Dunaway (614) 329-1144.
Pearl and Valkyrie
Pearl was a heartstring commitment one night when I couldn’t sleep so I was surfing pet sights for homes needed. Estimated to be about a year and a half, Pearl and her brother were found by the neighbor after the old man who had them had passed. By this time feral, Pearl had been bred by her brother and had puppies that she was moving around. Trapping her with her pups had become unsuccessful. So, the neighbor took the pups, put them in the kennel after she was bit… Mom went in. Door shut. all were taken to a low cost spay and neuter clinic. They took her pups, vaccinated her, wormed, tested for heartworm which she was positive, so heartworm medicine and she was spayed. I picked her up 2 days later. Actually, she was put in my car with no collar…she had ticks, fleas, was sick and despondent. I picked her dead weight up out of the car and put her in a dog bed when we got home. Wondering how in the world I was going to take her out to potty because she’d not had a collar on let alone a leash on her. That issue at hand paled in comparison with her not eating or drinking. I’d lay with her and put ice cubes on her lips. When she would sit up, she’d shake uncontrollably with her leg up. I put up a puppy pen outside the service door where she’d just sit and shake. 3 days later Pearl hemorrhaged and needed a blood transfusion. That was December 2021. She is definitely a terrier though still weird; she has become a delight and how fun watching her transformation.
Born 2019 West Virginia
Valkyrie is a Livestock Guardian Dog. Valkyries were female Norse warriors that were strong, beautiful armor-clad women who ride their horses through the battlefields. They are protectors of Valhalla and chose who would ascend to Valhalla to be with the god Odin. She is an Anatolian Pyrenees who protects all that belong here.
Born March 2021 Ohio
Jumping Mouse
Placed here by the Barn Cat program…finally, after 6 weeks, she was finding some comfort and starting to want the touch. The hope is that she become a proficient hunter. She is young yet is beginning to settle with the ebb and flow of things…
Kathryn King
Lifelong horsewoman, student, lover, linguist, guardian, caregiver with a varied background in the study of alternative healing modalities to include certifications in Equine Assisted Psychotherapy, Holistic Horsemanship, applications and methodologies of Equine Chiropractic, Equine Bio-Energetics, Equine and Human Reiki, Equine Nutrition, Equine Sport Massage, Equine Naturopathy, Kinesiology/muscle testing, Taping, Aromatherapy, Red/Blue Light Therapy, Alternative medicine, Holistic Remedies, Herbalism, and Equine Cranial Sacral. I’m here to help us see something greater outside of ourselves…